Breast Cancer

Breast cancer is one of the most common cancers among Australian women.

Breast Cancer

It was estimated in 2015 that approximately 42 women were diagnosed each day.
Self-breast examination is not a substitute for Mammography or for regular examination by a health care professional.
Diagnosed early, women have a greater chance of being successfully treated.
To discuss more see one of our GP’s.
You can visit our website to book an appointment or call us at 02 8038 1070.

Gastro-oesophageal reflux disease (GORD)

GORD stands for Gastro-oesophageal reflux disease.


It is a condition which occurs when the lower part of the oesophagus does not close properly and acid comes back up the oesophagus into the throat.

Common symptoms are

  • Heartburn -burning pain or discomfort after eating
  • Regurgitation -acid coming back up into the throat
  • Dysphagia -difficulty in swallowing

If these initial symptoms are left untreated complications may occur.

If you are experiencing any of these symptoms book in to see one of our Doctors today.

You can visit our website to book an appointment  or call us at 02 8038 1070.

Ovarian Cancer Awareness Month

Ovarian cancer

  • Raising awareness for ovarian cancer with our Teal ribbon day.
    Some signs and symptoms, which may or may not indicate ovarian cancer. If you have any of these symptoms and are concerned, make an appointment with your GP today.
  • Appetite loss or feeling full quickly.
  • Unexplained weight loss or gain
  • Indigestion or heartburn
  • Abdominal bloating
  • Abdominal/or back pain
  • Fatigue

To find out more see your GP or visit                           OR                                                   Visit and book your appointment with GP at Waitara Medical. You can also ring 02 8038 1070 to book an appointment with GP.

Fall prevention


Fall Prevention.docx

Functional Fitness classes for seniors are being run by a Physiotherapist in North Turramurra in February / March.

These classes will focus on fall prevention and strength.

For information go to the website             Or call  02 9420 0000


Pap smear

Pap smear

Are you up to date with your Pap smear Screening test?

It’s important to have a pap smear test every two years even if you have had the cervical cancer vaccine.

Regular Pap smear tests help detect and prevent cervical cancer.

Book in with one of our GP’s today.

Visit our website to book an appointment or call   02 8038 1070

Bowel Cancer

Do you know???

Bowel cancer is one of the most curable cancers,


Bowel cancer

  • Bowel cancer is the second most common cause of cancer deaths in Australia
  • Approximately 15,000 people each year are diagnosed with Bowel cancer
  • Around 1,000 are under the age of 50
  • Bowel cancer causes more deaths than prostate or breast cancer
  • Men and women are affected almost equally by bowel cancer
  • Often, bowel cancer develops without any warning signs

So don’t wait until it’s too late, talk to your GP about Bowel cancer screening today.
You can book an appointment with a GP at or call  Waitara Medical 02 8038 1070 to make an appointment.